Direct Booking

Book online for the best rate guaranteed.

Guest Enquiry

Submit an enquiry and our reservations team will assist you with your planning.

Booking procedure: Availability may be checked either by telephone or email. Reservations made by telephone will not be accepted or confirmed. Bookings should be made by email to

Services to be provided by the hotel shall be governed solely by the reservations confirmation as provided in the confirmation e-mail; it is your sole responsibility to double check the reservation summary and revert with any errors at time of booking.

Methods of payment: Unless the Agent has a special agreement with Awawa Management (TZ) Ltd, the agent is required to make full payment 30 days prior to guest arrival date. Entara lodges reserves the right to cancel a reservation if full payment is not received 35 days prior to guest arrival. Cheques payable to: Awawa Management (TZ) Ltd. and be made in USD. Booking is considered confirmed only upon cheque clearing. Most credit cards (Visa, Master Card) are acceptable however a transaction charge of 4% applies. Entara Lodges reserves the right to cancel reservations, if full payment is not made within 30 days of the date of reservation and/or if full payment is not received 30 days prior to the date of arrival. Management may ask for a deposit for certain periods of the year, or for group bookings. Returned cheques; for an Agent paying for reservations by cheque, where a cheque is returned by the bank as not valid, the Agent shall replace the cheque with certified funds within 72 hours, plus an additional 5% charge. Funds to replace returned cheques may constitute a default of this agreement. Consistent default will be cause for termination of this agreement.

Government taxes:

Where rates are affected by changes in Government taxes or other un-foreseeable circumstances, we reserve the right to raise our rates accordingly.

Arrival and Check out time:

Rooms are available for new arrivals from 14h00. The checkout time for departing clients is 10h00. Specific lodge policies are specified in the respective lodge fact sheet. Special consideration may be made for extended departure time subject to anticipated arrivals.

Day rooms:

Day rooms can be booked for stays from 10h00 to 18h00. For later check outs full rate will be applied.

Children rates:

Children rates are applicable regardless of room allocation.


Where possible, The Entara Lodges will grant the Agent one matching complementary guide room accommodation for 12 full paying guests in a group staying on bed & breakfast basis. Where availability allows, and at the discretion of management, guides/agents will be upgraded to guest rooms.

Cancellation policy:

Reservations that are cancelled or amended to reduce length of stay or numbers or for no show, (hereby collectively called “cancellations”) are subject to ‘Cancellation” and “No Show” fees at the discretion of the management and under the following terms:
• 60 days prior to arrival – 20% of booking value.
• 30 days prior to Arrival – 50% of booking value.
• Within 7 days prior to arrival time – 100% cancellation charge.
• Group bookings (above 8 pax) cancelled within 21 days of arrival are subject to 100% cancellation charge.

In all cases, notification of cancellations must be submitted in writing to Entara Lodges, the ‘Receiving date’ will be the date the cancellation has been received.

Insurance & liability:

Whilst every care is taken for the safety and comfort of its clients, Entara lodges accepts no liability for all or any of the following:
• Damage or loss of property of any client, however caused
• Sickness, infection, injury or death of any client, however caused
• Change of arrival or departure dates due to road or weather conditions
• Damages, directly or indirectly, arising out of delays in departure or arrival including delays
occasioned by the missing of road, rail, ship or aircraft connections.
• Medical Bills, Medical Evacuation.

Entara lodges retains the right to sign guests on indemnity waivers in the lodges, prior to participating in game viewing, ballooning, walking, camping and adventure activities, even if those have been bought and paid for in advance. Refusal to sign such indemnity waivers shall bar participants from joining the respective activities. This shall not in turn entitle them to any refunds against pre-paid activities due to non-participation. It is solely the responsibility of the booking agent to inform the guests of the need to sign indemnity waivers waiver prior to departure on the activity It is therefore expected, on receiving a client’s booking, that necessary insurance covers against these and other risks have been taken care of by the client/guest and/or his agent.


Any complaints or disagreements about reservations, accommodation, food & beverage or any issues relative to the camp/lodge must be reported on site and recorded accordingly. Failure to do so, the hotel will not be held responsible in any way. Following, any dissatisfaction resulting with the handling and resolving of the complaint on site must be received from the camp/lodge in writing within 7 days after the client’s departure. Failure to do so will result in the camp/lodge taking no responsibility or action. Any dispute regarding an invoice, must be received by Entara Lodges accounts and/or management, within 30 days of the invoice date and only the amount in dispute may be deducted from the invoice and payment due, which must be made within the specified time limit.


Default of undisputed payment may result in the clients being refused admittance to the camp/lodge until payment is made. Rates quoted are subjected to the schedule of payments being maintained. If delays occur the terms are subject to change and may lead to the withdrawal of credit.

Where Infinite Discovery Awaits


Esirai is ideal if you would like to live a few days off the grid and enjoy the Serengeti in all its might!

  • Nicholas Petersen
  • Esirai Camp