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Our business ethos is to invest and source, employ and empower locally. We believe that business, when conducted fairly, must play a prominent positive role in conservation. We invest in local communities and strive to provide opportunities locally. For us, this encompasses everything from locally sourcing our food, buying sustainable natural materials for our camps and supporting local cooperatives.

This ethos runs through our decision-making process and affects the choice of our partners and suppliers. We are committed to empowering local grassroot economies in the communities living in and around parks and wilderness areas to directly benefit the people at the forefront of conservation.

lion with baby lion

Immerse yourself in the African wilderness

From sleeping under a star-studded sky in a tree nest or a remote fly camp to floating in a hot air balloon over the vast migrating herds and even possibly coming eye to eye with a Lion, you will return home with stories and memories that will last a lifetime.

Where Infinite Discovery Awaits

Featured stories

Tales and adventures from Entara.


We loved everything about it, from the friendly staff, the huge room and the food!

  • Catherine Smith
  • Katambuga House