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Southern Serengeti | Destinations | Entara Tanzania
Esirai North @ Hagai -4398

Remote and quiet, the Southern Serengeti attracts photographers and adventurers to view the gathering herds of wildebeest where hundreds of thousands of calves might be born within three weeks, making this is world’s largest mammalian birthing event. This area is superb between December and May. After the rain, it transforms into a natural Eden of flowering meadows and grasses. From June, as water sources are reduced to dusty flats and the grasses die off, the wildlife starts to move northward in search of greener pastures.

Destination Highlights
  • Wildebeest calving
  • Big cats
  • Rare wildlife
  • Short grass plains
  • Green season
  • Hot Air Balloons
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Stay in Southern Serengeti


Esirai Camp (South)

8 Mobile Tents

Esirai Camp moves with a light ecological footprint to follow the great migratory herds of wildebeest that cross the Serengeti each year.

Serengeti Aerial@HagaiZvulun00002

How to get to
Southern Serengeti

Daily flights land at Seronera Airstrip in the Serengeti or Ndutu Airstrip in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, with connections from Arusha and other safari airstrips. Esirai Camp in the Southern Serengeti is a 1-1.5-hour game drive, through epic wildlife country.

Where Infinite Discovery Awaits


Esirai is ideal if you would like to live a few days off the grid and enjoy the Serengeti in all its might!

  • Nicholas Petersen
  • Esirai Camp