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Randilen WMA & Tarangire National Park | Entara Tanzania

Designated by the Maasai community, Randilen is a community wildlife management area of 327 km², which extends organically from Tarangire National Park’s north-eastern boundary and is run along strict ecological principles benefiting both wildlife and the community. In the dry season between July to October, wildlife is concentrated around the few water sources, particularly the Tarangire River Valley. During the green season, wildlife moves into the surrounding hills that come alive with lushness, flowering blooms, epic skies and exuberant wildlife.

Destination Highlights
  • Elephant herds
  • Night game drives
  • Majestic Baobabs
  • Fly camping
  • Baobab sleepout
  • Walking safaris
  • Maasai cultural experience
Olkeri Wildlife @ Hagai Zvulun January 2023-8789
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Olkeri Wildlife @ Hagai Zvulun January 2023-8746
Entara Cheetah olkeri @ Hagai-9103

Stay in Randilen WMA


Olkeri Camp

8 Tented Suites

A generous dining area and lounge nestle at the base of two ancient baobab trees that overlook the valley and waterhole at the heart of the camp.

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How to get to
Randilen wma and Tarangire National Park

Randilen WMA is a 2-hour drive from Arusha or 1.5 hour drive from Manyara Airstrip, ensuring year-round accessibility. Tarangire National Park is accessible via daily flights to Kuro Airstrip, where camp vehicles can collect you. Kuro and Manyara Airstrips are accessible via daily flights with connections from Arusha and other safari airstrips.

Where Infinite Discovery Awaits


Esirai is ideal if you would like to live a few days off the grid and enjoy the Serengeti in all its might!

  • Nicholas Petersen
  • Esirai Camp